
Senior Membership (1 year)
Senior yearly membership for players 60 years old and older who are planning to play a lot of pickleball with us, including, but not limited to:
- 50% off on court fees at any time of the day, 365 days/ year.
- 2 tournament entries ($100 value)
- 4 free clinics ($120 value)
The first 50 memberships will be available for purchase at the early bird price of $399, after which the cost will be $599.
100 in stock
Yearly membership for players aged 60 and older. First 50 senior members get the $399 discounted rate. The year begins on April 31st, 2024 and will end on April 25th, 2025. The benefits you will enjoy are:
- 50% Off Court Fees
- 10% Off Discount for Pro Shop, Lessons and Tournaments
- 4 Free Clinics ($120 value)
- 2 Free Weekly Tournaments (non-special event) ($100 value)
- Branded Welcome Package
- 2 month book ahead privileges vs 2 weeks for non-members.
- Covered Courts during rainy season
- Flood Lit Courts after 6pm every day.