
Adult Membership (1 year)
Yearly membership for for those who are planning to play a lot of pickleball with us.
- 50% off on court fees at any time of the day, 365 days/ year.
- 2 tournament entries ($100 value)
- 4 free clinics ($120 value)
The first 100 memberships will be available for purchase at the early bird price of $499, after which the cost will be $699.
100 in stock
Yearly membership for players aged 18 and older. First 100 members receive the $499 discounted rate. The year begins the moment the facility is ready for play (March 23rd, 2024), or the moment you join, whichever comes earlier. The benefits you will enjoy are:
- 50% Off Court Fees
- 10% Off Discount for Pro Shop, Lessons and Tournaments
- 4 Free Clinics ($120 value)
- 2 Free Weekly Tournaments (non-special event) ($100 value)
- Branded Welcome Package
- 2 month book ahead privileges vs 2 weeks for non-members.
- Covered Courts during rainy season
- Flood Lit Courts after 6pm every day.